
New Forums for O-Train Fans

I am happy to announce that the new Forums have launched on O-Train Fans.

The forums are your place to learn more about the O-Train, ask questions, and discuss a variety of related topics. You are also free and encouraged to share your stories, knowledge and photos with us.

With the Confederation Line launch only months away and much more construction and expansion planned over the next 5 years, there will be plenty to talk about and share. Let us be your source to finding out the latest news and keeping you informed.

Sign up today, it's quick and easy (takes less than 30 seconds), and you will be ready to participate in the discussion.

Thank you again for being part of this journey with us on O-Train Fans.

Shane Séguin - Webmaster

O-Train Interactive System Map - Now Available
Confederation Line Station Layout Maps and New Sys...