
Speed Reduction on Line 1 : Standard Procedure

A memo circulated this afternoon on Twitter regarding Heat and Speed Restrictions on the O-Train Line 1. The text can be found below. This communication was distributed to members of council, and transit commissioners by Troy Charter, Director of Transit Operations.

Earlier today we became aware of a tweet referencing the fact that due to the extreme heat being experienced a TSR (temporary speed restriction) of 50 km/hr has been implemented on Line 1.

We have issued the following tweet in response to clarify that trains are operating normally and in accordance with our standard operating procedures. It is important to note and I want to highlight that these procedures are standard in the rail industry when extreme heat is experienced and is / has been a standard operating response for Line 2, the Trillium Line. Furthermore, this standard procedure is one part of our safety programs that proactively monitor train and track conditions when extreme temperatures are experienced. All trains and systems are operating normally however some customers may experience slightly longer travel  times of up to a few minutes. When temperatures drop, the associated speed reductions will be removed and trains will return to normal operating speeds as they have in previous occurrences.

In addition to the temporary speed reduction associated with the extreme heat, there are other sections along the track where speed reductions have been put in place as part of RTG's overall rectification plan.


As we are experiencing extreme heat today, trains on Line 1 are travelling at slower speeds in accordance with our operating procedures. This is a standard safety practice on all rail systems, including Line 1 & Line 2. All systems and trains are operating normally. Customers may experience a slight increase in travel time.

--Troy Charter - Director, Transit Operations. 

The following are some articles found online that pertain to speed restrictions or slow operations due to heat for more information.


Via Rail : How heat affects your train trip? Travelling in extreme heat (

Safety is VIA Rail's number one priority. During heat waves, the sun can cause the metal on the tracks to expand, and are therefore closely monitored. When temperatures reaches a certain temperature, the rails are susceptible to stretch and deform.To ensure the safety of VIA Rail's passengers, staff and the general public, trains must run at a reduced speed and will be closely surveyed.

About slow orders
As any other railway owner, VIA Rail has a protocol which consists of putting in place slow orders at specific locations. When a certain heat threshold is reached, our normal protocol is being triggered. Slow orders are normal procedures from infrastructure owners when outside or railways temperatures reaches a certain temperature (hot or cold). Slow orders may delay arrival and departure of certain trains on certain routes. As safety is always our priority, the protocol to reduce speed is a precaution measure.

**UPDATE** Memo: O-Train Line 1 Temporary Closure
Transit Commission meeting - June 17, 2020