Snapshot Updates

Snapshot of Rideau Station - April 11, 2019

This snapshot update was provided by Alberto Leal. You can follow Alberto on Twitter at @TheRealAlBongo1

The interior mall entrance of Rideau Centre to Rideau Station, located between Shoppers Drug Mart and Farm Boy.
The Station wayfinding signage is now installed and in place.
Meanwhile, just above at the exterior entrance by the corner of Sussex and Rideau...
These are the escalators that lead to the longest escalators in use in a transit system in Canada. There's an intermediate landing where these ones and the ones from inside the Rideau Centre meet before descending all the way down to the mezzanine​. (This information was provided by Kyle, one of our readers).
* Lees, uOttawa, Pimisi and Bayview Stations - Apr...
Trim (2025)